Tajikistan has expressed its support for the creation of a “green corridor” between Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan. In an interview with Report, Jamshed Shoimzoda, the First Deputy Minister of Energy and Water Resources of Tajikistan, discussed the potential for cooperation in this sphere, according to Report.

Tajikistan possesses a unique hydropower potential, of which only 5% is currently being utilized, he said adding that, remarkably, 95% of our energy production is already green.

He said if the full potential is used, the amount of energy produced will be four times greater than the needs of the Central Asian countries.

He added that Azerbaijan’s initiatives to establish transport corridors connecting Central Asia with Europe open up new opportunities for Tajikistan.

According to him, the country will be able to deliver its green energy not only to neighboring countries but also to Europe.

While this seemed technically impossible 20 years ago, today, thanks to the reduced cost of technologies, this project is becoming quite realistic, Shoimzoda said.

Another crucial area of cooperation is the development of mineral resources. Recently, at a meeting of the intergovernmental commission, the two countries discussed issues in this direction. Tajikistan is just beginning to actively develop the extraction of mineral resources, while Azerbaijan has extensive experience in this field.