Western Azerbaijan, the ancestral homeland of the Azerbaijani people, is not just a geographical term or territory for them, but also an ancient Turkic homeland. These lands are where the Azerbaijani people’s thousand-year history, culture, and folklore were formed. In recent years, historic steps have been taken, and we are witnessing large-scale activities. The Western Azerbaijan Community (WAC) also carries out regular work towards protecting and restoring historical justice.
Report talked with the community’s chairman, MP Aziz Alakbarli, about the future strategies of the Concept of Return to Western Azerbaijan and the work done last year:
– What steps did WAC take in 2024 regarding the restoration and protection of cultural heritage in Western Azerbaijan?
– The community is implementing step by step the tasks set in its main activity document, the Return Concept. Naturally, this includes work on the restoration and protection of cultural heritage in Western Azerbaijan. True, we have repeatedly appealed to UNESCO leadership about this and even managed to have our appeal distributed as an official UN document. But we don’t consider our duty finished with this. We know well both the Armenians and Western states who have supported them for over 30 years and approached the occupation of Azerbaijani territories with double standards. We have already completed some of our research and monitoring in this regard, and work continues on other issues. I can only say that all Armenian vandalism will be exposed, and both they and their supporters should expect shocking surprises.

– Where do things stand regarding the Return to Western Azerbaijan Concept? What is the community’s future strategy for returning to Western Azerbaijan?
– As I said, the Return to Western Azerbaijan Concept is being successfully implemented. The strategy is clear: we will definitely return to our ancestral homeland peacefully, on the condition that our security is ensured, and with dignity.
– In general, given the current destructive position of Armenia and its supporters, do you consider a peaceful return to Western Azerbaijan realistic?
– I don’t consider it realistic that the Armenian leadership and Armenian people could prevent Western Azerbaijani refugees from returning to their ancestral homes. If the opposing side ensures our peaceful return to our homes and villages, I believe they will also secure their own chances of staying and living in the region. No force can prevent or stop our return to our ancestral homeland. They shouldn’t force Azerbaijan to look for alternative ways. We want to return peacefully.

– Powers like France and the US are trying to prevent the return to Western Azerbaijan through their regional policies. What work is the community doing in this regard?
– Countries like France and the US have shown as much hostility as they could against Azerbaijan and its people for the last 30 years. What was the result? Despite all their attempts, Azerbaijan liberated its sovereign territories from occupation with its own power and destroyed the 200-year-old Armenian strategy in the region. Those who couldn’t prevent us in this matter won’t be able to prevent us in any other matter from now on. Especially regarding the return to Western Azerbaijan. Return to Western Azerbaijan is our fundamental right enshrined in all international documents, and this return will happen!
– What can you say about the presentation of Azerbaijan’s cultural heritage in Western Azerbaijan as Armenian cultural heritage, and in general, the formation of Azerbaijanophobic attitudes in Armenian society?
– Armenians don’t just limit themselves to claiming Azerbaijan’s cultural heritage in Western Azerbaijan. As a researcher of Armenian surnames, I can say that 70 percent of them consist of Azerbaijani-Turkic names, and 25 percent are Christian and ancient Albanian names. There might be only 5-10 Armenian words among them. As for the Armenianization of our monuments in Western Azerbaijan, they are only deceiving themselves for a transitional period, because there is sufficient information about both the descriptions of these monuments and their belonging to the Azerbaijani people in various historical sources. Regarding the formation of Azerbaijanophobic attitudes in Armenian society, they have been educated this way for decades and centuries, and this “education” has led them to a dead end, where they remain stuck, unable to get out, hitting themselves against the walls.

– During the occupation period, Armenia claimed that the Upper Govhar Agha Mosque in Shusha belonged to them. Now a similar situation exists with the Blue Mosque in Yerevan. We would like to know your thoughts on this context.
– The Blue Mosque was commissioned by Huseynali Khan Qajar, the Sardar of Yerevan, in 1764. It was the central mosque of Yerevan city, and religious leaders for mosques in the territories of Yerevan and Nakhchivan khanates were appointed from here. We have numerous documents about this mosque and its activities. Today, it’s ridiculous that Armenians, unable to claim it as their own, try to present it as a “Persian mosque.” Because historically, Persians never lived in Yerevan city. Denying that the population here was Azerbaijani Turks is as ridiculous as Armenians claiming that Prophet Noah spoke Armenian.
– In general, the world media shows an indifferent attitude towards the issue of return to Western Azerbaijan. What do you think lies at the root of this attitude?
– Of course, at the root of this attitude is primarily Azerbaijan’s liberation of its territories that were under occupation for 30 years and restoration of its sovereignty, despite the wishes of many world powers. Those states still cannot digest the fact that Azerbaijan is a strong country pursuing independent policies in the region.

– Recently, the US Embassy in Baku avoided questions about possible steps their country might take regarding the protection of Azerbaijan’s cultural heritage in Armenia. We would like to know your opinion on this matter.
– I don’t see anything surprising here. On the contrary, it would have been surprising if the US Embassy in Baku hadn’t avoided questions about possible steps regarding the protection of Azerbaijan’s cultural heritage in Armenia. What can the US Embassy in Baku say? Should they say that instead of condemning Armenia’s occupation policy against Azerbaijan, they supported it for 30 years? Or should they admit that while the destruction of Azerbaijan’s cultural heritage in Armenia happened before the world’s eyes, they turned a blind eye to it? Perhaps Armenia even carried out these acts of vandalism using funds received from them. They can’t admit this! That’s why they avoid questions; they have to.
– What is your attitude toward the formation of the Western Azerbaijan Commission in the Milli Majlis (Parliament) and what will its activities cover?
– The Milli Majlis has always been sensitive to the issue of return to Western Azerbaijan. To date, six public hearings have been held in parliament on this issue. We thank the speaker and MPs for this. We highly appreciate the creation of the Return to Western Azerbaijan Initiative Group in the parliament. This will greatly help us bring the issue of Return to Western Azerbaijan to the international level through parliamentary diplomacy. We have already taken our first successful steps in this regard.