Under the terms of the 2024-2025 cooperation deal, Algeria and Moscow will jointly tackle terrorism and other crimes var RT = RT || {}; RT.player = RT.player || {}; RT.player.time = Date.parse(‘Tuesday, 16-Apr-2024 10:14:04 GMT’) .mediaplayer { min-height: 150px; } .jwplayer .jw-controls .jw-controlbar .jw-icon-cc { display: none; } var myStreamingTag = new ns_.StreamingTag({customerC2: ‘17935924’, C3: ‘english’}); var metadata = { ns_st_ci: “661e48b985f5402cfd31a1cc”, // идентификатор контента (видео) c3: “english”, c4: “*null”, c6: “*null” }; .media__video_noscript { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; height: 100%; width: 100%; } .full_transcript_text { display: block; } if (!!window.jwplayer === false) { var VideoPlayer = document.createElement(‘video’); VideoPlayer.className = “media__video_noscript”; VideoPlayer.controls = true; // // var sourceMP4 = document.createElement(“source”); // sourceMP4.type = “video/mp4”; VideoPlayer.src = “https://mf.b37mrtl.ru/files/2024.04/661e48b985f5402cfd31a1cc.mp4”; VideoPlayer.poster = “https://mf.b37mrtl.ru/files/2024.04/article/661e43c22030277d28400104.jpg”; // VideoPlayer.appendChild(sourceMP4); document.getElementById(‘nojwp’).appendChild(VideoPlayer); } jwplayer.key = “kESrsgULvYO7r2MfUelqj3vs+2i8JdQBqjGNmA==”; var recomedationBlock661e48b985f5402cfd31a1cc = document.getElementById(‘recomendation-661e48b985f5402cfd31a1cc’); var mediaplayerContainer661e48b985f5402cfd31a1cc = document.getElementById(‘mediaplayer-container661e48b985f5402cfd31a1cc’); var mediaMute = true; if (mediaMute) { window.PROMOBOX_NO_FIXED = true; } jwplayer(“js-mediaplayer-661e48b985f5402cfd31a1cc”).setup({ // Кавер видео устанавливается в prepareMedia file: “https://mf.b37mrtl.ru/files/2024.04/661e48b985f5402cfd31a1cc.mp4”, // title: “g1”, aspectratio: “16:9”, skin: { name: “five”, active: “#77bd1e”, background: “rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)”, inactive: “#FFFFFF” }, width: “100%”, autostart: true, mute: true, startparam: “start”, ga: {}, sharing: { sites: [ { icon: “https://www.rt.com/static/img/icon/tg-square.png”, src: “https://telegram.me/share/url?text=Russia and African nation strengthen security partnership&url=https://www.rt.com/africa/596033-russia-algeria-strengthen-security-cooperation/”, label: “Telegram” }, “twitter”, “email”, ], code: encodeURI(”), link: “https://www.rt.com/africa/596033-russia-algeria-strengthen-security-cooperation/” }, events: { onReady: function () { if(ga && mediaMute === false) { ga(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘JWPLAYER-GA’, ‘CLICK PLAY’, location.href); ga(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘JW Player Article’, ‘Ready’, location.href); // Временно эти дублирующие счетчики остаются } }, onPlay: function () { myStreamingTag.playVideoContentPart(metadata); if (ga) { if (mediaMute === false) { ga(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘JWPLAYER-GA’, ‘CLICK PLAY’, location.href); ga(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘JW Player Article’, ‘Play’, location.href); } } var playingVideoId = ‘js-mediaplayer-661e48b985f5402cfd31a1cc’; // id текущего плеера pauseMedia(playingVideoId); //запускаем функцию остановки всех играющих плееров кроме этого Код функции ниже по коду if (recomedationBlock661e48b985f5402cfd31a1cc) { recomedationBlock661e48b985f5402cfd31a1cc.classList.remove(‘recomendation_active’); } if (mediaplayerContainer661e48b985f5402cfd31a1cc) { mediaplayerContainer661e48b985f5402cfd31a1cc.classList.add(‘mediaplayer_played’); } localStorage.setItem(‘canfixed’, true); }, onPause: function () { myStreamingTag.stop(); if (mediaMute === false) { if (ga) ga(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘JWPLAYER-GA’, ‘CLICK PAUSE’, location.href); } if (recomedationBlock661e48b985f5402cfd31a1cc) { recomedationBlock661e48b985f5402cfd31a1cc.classList.add(‘recomendation_active’); } }, onComplete: function () { myStreamingTag.stop(); if (ga && mediaMute === false) { ga(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘JWPLAYER-GA’, ‘COMPLETE’, location.href); ga(‘send’, ‘event’, ‘JW Player Article’, ‘Complete’, location.href); } var $video = $(‘#js-mediaplayer-661e48b985f5402cfd31a1cc video’); $video[0].loop = true; // $video[0].currentTime = 0; $video[0].play(); if (recomedationBlock661e48b985f5402cfd31a1cc) { recomedationBlock661e48b985f5402cfd31a1cc.classList.add(‘recomendation_active’); } } } }); function pauseMedia(playingMediaId) { var players = document.querySelectorAll(‘.jwplayer, object’); var fixPlayer = document.querySelector(‘.mediaplayer_fixed’); let shadowDiv = document.querySelector(‘.div_shadow’); var plId = playingMediaId.split(‘-‘)[2]; for (var i = 0, max = players.length; i Moscow has signed a cooperation agreement with Algeria on a variety of issues, including fighting transnational organized crime, terrorism, extremism, and corruption, Russia’s General Prosecutor’s Office announced on Monday.

The signing came after talks between Algerian Minister of Justice Abderrachid Tabbi and Russian Prosecutor General Igor Krasnov, who was in the North African nation while on a Middle East tour.

The program is expected to be implemented from 2024 to 2025 and is based on a partnership protocol adopted last November, according to a press release from the General Prosecutor’s Office.

“As you know, a tragic event took place in Moscow in March, a barbaric terrorist attack was staged, as a result of which hundreds of civilians were killed and injured. I think you will agree with me that preventing such crimes requires coordinated efforts,” Krasnov said.

He stated that terrorism is an equally pressing threat in Algeria, as extremists who commit unjustified cruelty do not respect borders.

At a separate meeting in Algeria’s capital, Algiers, on Monday, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov and Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune also agreed to strengthen cooperation in fields such as trade, energy, investment, culture, and humanitarian aid.

While discussing international and regional issues, the Russian official and the Algerian leader both declared that a peaceful resolution of conflicts in the Middle East and Africa is an absolute necessity.

“The closeness of the fundamental approaches of Russia and Algeria was noted regarding the lack of alternatives to the peaceful resolution of numerous conflicts and crisis situations in the Middle East and on the African continent, in accordance with the fundamental principles of the UN Charter,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

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Both Moscow and Algiers have described their existing ties as “strategic.” According to the Kremlin, Algeria, along with Egypt and Morocco, is one of Moscow’s top African trading partners.

Last June, President Tebboune paid a three-day working visit to Russia, where he and President Vladimir Putin signed multiple agreements, including the Declaration on Enhanced Strategic Cooperation between Russia and Algeria.