Attempts by several foreign states and organizations to use Armenia’s territory to create new sources of threats, and the intensity of such activities in recent months, further aggravate the already tense situation in the region, Azerbaijan’s Security Council Secretary Ramil Usubov wrote in his article published in the newspaper “Azerbaijan”, Report informs.
“In the face of such revanchist policy, Azerbaijan consistently strengthens its security system, has already fully formed an effective defense system and strike strategy, thanks to which it can quickly provide an effective response to any external influence,” Usubov emphasized. Usubov stressed that the Republic of Azerbaijan is capable of suppressing any attempt of pressure and influence aimed against the country’s security.
“Not only Armenian revanchists but also major states that do not accept Azerbaijan’s independent will and leadership in the region should draw proper conclusions from past years’ experience and not forget about the power of the ‘Iron Fist’,” noted the Security Council secretary. Usubov also stated that Azerbaijan, as the victorious country and center of military power in the region, can compel defeated Armenia to sustainable peace, that is, to sign a peace treaty.
“Baku can do this based on international law requirements and referring to dozens of facts from international practice. In recent decades, we have witnessed the ‘peacekeeping’ activities of superpowers in Africa, Asia, and even Europe itself, based on the principle that ‘winners are not judged.’ Azerbaijan, despite its victory, is far from arrogance in the negotiation process. The solution lies in an atmosphere of mutual trust and Armenia’s liberation from the harmful external influence that leads to its failure. Armenian authorities, when making decisions, should consider the interests of their state and people,” wrote Usubov.
Usubov also emphasized that it’s important not only to sign a peace agreement but also to ensure the real implementation of its provisions.