In 2024, 3,523,100 people from 38 countries traveled to Azerbaijan by air transport, according to the State Tourism Agency, Report informs.

This represents an increase of 3 countries (8.5%) and 801,000 people (32.1%) compared to the same period last year.

Russia accounted for the highest number of passengers to Azerbaijan last year – 967,100 people, representing a 27.7% increase from the previous year.

During the reporting period, 864,463 people traveled from Türkiye to Azerbaijan, which is 19% more year-on-year.

The United Arab Emirates ranked third with 458,333 passengers (+43.5%), followed by Georgia (228,700 passengers, +29%), Saudi Arabia (115,600 passengers, +7.5%), India (109,600 passengers, +3.4 times), Kazakhstan (108,900 passengers, +27.9%), Italy (61,800 passengers, +79.5%), Qatar (58,500 passengers, +71.2%), and Uzbekistan (56,500 passengers, -15.6%).

With India and Qatar making it to the top ten, Kuwait (48,900 passengers, +15.6%) and Israel (47,500 passengers, +23.1%) dropped out.

In December alone, 291,200 passengers were transported to Azerbaijan by air, which is 22.9% more than the same month of the previous year.