Representing the United States in Azerbaijan has been an honor and the privilege of a lifetime, outgoing US Ambassador to Baku Mark Libby said in a farewell message, Report informs.

“I leave with a profound appreciation for Azerbaijan and optimism about the future of our shared endeavors,” Libby stressed.

The ambassador said with his wife Danusia, they traveled the length and width of Azerbaijan, climbed mountains, hiked deserts, and floated in the sea: “We have visited ancient and modern temples, synagogues, and mosques; marveled at prehistoric petroglyphs; watched carpet-weavers and sculptors create magic before our eyes; and devoured delicious food – some prepared by top chefs in world-class restaurants, some made over an open fire in the wilderness. More than nature or food or crafts, however, it is the Azerbaijani people who have left the most lasting impression on us. From Nizami Ganjavi to Ell & Nikki; from Vajiha Samadova to Chef Tavakkul; from Zeynalabdin Taghiyev to the heroic crew of AZAL Flight 8243; Azerbaijanis are a people of legendary courage, creativity, resilience, hospitality, religious diversity, and vision. Every single Azerbaijani that Danusia and I have met here shares a common heritage with such remarkable people. And so it is the Azerbaijani people that we will miss most. I wish them the very best because they deserve nothing less.”

Libby also stressed that from the Contract of the Century 30 years ago, to COP29 last year, to ongoing US support for small businesses, farmers, and women entrepreneurs in Azerbaijan, the US- US-Azerbaijani partnership has produced remarkable prosperity and set the foundations for a cleaner, sustainable future: Together we have made Azerbaijani people safer. Through programs focused on training, equipment, and cooperation, the United States actively supports the security of Azerbaijan’s citizens, borders, and seacoast. The Embassy has devoted millions of dollars to remove landmines that threaten Azerbaijani lives daily. And my colleagues and I have showed US respect for the principle of territorial integrity by paying official visits throughout Azerbaijan’s internationally recognized territory.”

According to Libby, through the rapid expansion of Azerbaijani students studying in the United States, and embassy programs to teach English to Azerbaijani displaced by conflict and other disadvantaged populations, together we have proven that the friendship between the peoples of the two countries is durable and growing: “This, more than anything else, gives me great hope for the future of our relationship.”