A Credit Agreement for the reconstruction of water supply and sewerage system in Ganja city has been signed between Azerbaijan and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Report informs.

The agreement was signed by Economy Minister of Azerbaijan Mikayil Jabbarov and the EBRD First Vice President Jurgen Rigterink.

The signing took place in Davos within the framework of the meeting between Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev and EBRD President Odile Renaud-Basso.

EBRD has allocated a sovereign loan of 35 million euros for modernizing water supply, improving sewerage and rainwater management, and construction of water treatment facilities in Ganja. The total project value is 410 million euros. The loan will be provided in several tranches and co-financed through an investment grant provided by an international donor.

The project is being implemented under EBRD’s Green Cities program and aims to address the priority environmental issue of water accessibility and quality, which is highlighted in the Ganja Green City Action Plan. Given the importance of improving Ganja’s water supply and sewerage infrastructure, the project is a priority for the government.

Upon completion, Ganja city will have uninterrupted water supply and sewerage services, and flood risks will be reduced through the implementation of a rainwater management system. The project will also positively impact the environment by ensuring wastewater treatment before discharge into the Ganja River.