Tajikistan’s chairmanship in the CIS aims to help implement the goals and objectives of the organization’s main documents and comprehensive development strategies covering the medium-term perspective, said Tajikistan’s Ambassador to Azerbaijan Ilhom Abdurahmon, Report informs.

At today’s event dedicated to his country’s CIS chairmanship in 2025, the ambassador noted that Tajikistan will be guided by the norms and principles of international law enshrined in the UN Charter, as well as the provisions of the main documents adopted within the CIS framework.

“Tajikistan’s innovative idea of chairmanship will be related to including the issue of improving its activities in the CIS agenda. In this context, initiatives will be put forward to hold special consultations in Tajikistan and the Executive Committee with the participation of interested bodies to develop relevant proposals. Work will be carried out in accordance with the CIS development concept and other conceptual documents,” he stated.